
Spring Break Workouts

The following workout plan is a good framework to implement while away from school/coach. Adjust as needed.

M – Speed day. The goal of this day is to push the body near its limits, training both the central nervous system and the muscles. Keep the workout to about 300-400m total. Make sure to do a full warm-up. Possible sprint workouts:

  • 6x60m from a three-point stance
  • 10x30m from a three-point stance
  • 8x30m flys

Additionally, do plyometrics (if you have access to a weight room, you can do our standard Cleans and Deadlift routine) Start with Rudiment and add our skip/bound routine. This youtube video is very similar to ours…go with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w3ojc3PRH8

T – Capacity Day. “200 Tuesdays!” Can’t break tradition…keep them up! 6×200 with 2m rest (8x200m for stronger folks).
Additionally, do pedestal and a good post-workout stretch routine.

W – 20-30 min job. We don’t do much aerobic, so let’s get a little in while on break.

Th – Speed day. Repeat of Monday (with weights or plyometrics). Focus on acceleration phases. Blocks if you have them.

F – Capacity Day #2 — Mix it up. Sometimes do some longer work with more rest. Focus on 400m race model. Examples,

  • 3x Split 400s (300m hard, rest 1 min, then 100m as fast as possible, holding form
  • 500m, 300m, 200m — rest 15min betwee
  • 3x300m, walk 100m rest

Sat/Sun — active rest. Hike, ride, or jog — at least 30mins. Or find a short, very gradual hill with a bike and do 8x30s sprints.

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